27 August 2007


So there I was , among the 7000 people attending Rock en Seine yesterday.

Two things: ohmyGodwhatacrowd! of course, the usual grungysmelly blokes, you know those ones who spend three days in a tent, soaking wet, covered with mud, were there.

AND there weas a rejoicing part of the crowd that was... hot, man! Unfortunately for everyone but me and the RockEnSeinois, i didn't have my camera...

Beautiful outfits (FYI ladies, if you plan to attend an outdoor concert, you'll wear plastic boots and tiny tiny shorts please) on beautiful ass... sorry, bodies. And loads loads loads of lesbian couples popping out of I don't know where... Khay, what a relief!

And then, @21.45, she was there; the stage was beautiful, covered with huge and weird electronic machines and the brass section was entirely a female one!!! yeeeehhaaa!!

She was wearing a delightful butterfly-like dress and sang barefoot as usual. We all went crazy for her. Please listen to "Declare Independence" from the Volta album. Björk, my petit vulcan, I love you!

See ya

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